Thursday, March 12, 2009

You know your kids are well when...

... they harass you all day to play Rock Band 2.

That's right - I CAVED!

I count this as exercise. If you've ever had the pleasure of watching your children play the drums on Rock Band, you know they put their whole body into breaking playing them. LittleMan was sweating after playing, and it wasn't from a fever.  BoopaLoop considers the kick pedal an excuse to make a lot of noise.

I'm looking forward to the Easy Listening Band version.

I told my kids that they will get a lot of Rock Band jamming done when they are visiting their cousins in Texas. We will be staying with AllThingsBD's family from the 13th to the 20th.

I have a feeling my kids will be too busy doing other things to want to play Rock Band, but we'll see.

I've begun my packing.

I know seeing this woefully lacking amount of stuff I've already packed for a week long trip is going to give AllThingsBD a brain hemorrage, but she should be used to my ways by now. (Please ignore the pile of boxes behind the luggage. That's where I'm storing my Pick Up Palz.)

Days Until Texas: 1 day and 3 hours

Days Until Packing Is Complete: 1 day


DJ said...

I haven't played rock band yet, but I love guitar hero. It's so fun! Have a good trip and don't feel bad about your lack of packing; I'm supposed to move the end of the month and I am FAR from done packing. :)

Danielle said...

Have fun!!!! We'll miss ya while yer gone.

Word Verification: Parcheat. I'm too tired to do anything with it. Enjoy.

Tabitha Blue said...

Rock band is totally a work out!! Have fun packing... and on your trip!!


Lorraine Akemann said...

OK, I want to go to Texas too. ME TOO!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing them play rock band..on the drums! How fun! Mom